Friday, June 3, 2011

Butterscotch Cookies


1/2 c. oleo, softened
1 c. light brown sugar
1 egg
1 t. vanilla
2 c. all-purpose flour
1/2 t. baking soda
1/4 t. orange peel, optional

Cream oleo and sugar. Add egg and vanilla. Stir in remaining ingredients. On waxed paper, form dough into a log. Chill 2 hours. Slice and bake on an ungreased cookie sheet in a 350*. oven for 8 minutes.
Makes 3 dozen.

If you really want to save money here's a good popcorn tip. Buy bulk kernels. Heat 3 T. oil in a heavy pan with a domed lid. Heat oil until a kernel pops. Pour 1/3 cup popcorn or enough the pan one kernel deep. Shake until popping stops. Pour in a bowl and season. Do not use crock spread as they have to much water content. Use only oleo or butter.